The weather did not hamper the enthusiasm of the volunteers that came out to place remembrance wreaths on 68 identified veterans at Mount Rest Cemetery in Wadsworth.
The weather did not hamper the enthusiasm of the volunteers that came out to place remembrance wreaths on 68 identified Veterans at Mount Rest Cemetery in Wadsworth. As the 11 a.m. hour approached and the many volunteers assembled, a brief speech was given about Wreaths Across America (WAA). Each volunteer received instructions on how to lay the wreaths and what to say. There were many children in attendance, and it was nice to hear the parents explain why we honor Veterans. Wreaths Across America’s mission is to Remember, Honor and Teach.
Even though the day was cold and flurries were in the air, members of the Ansel Brainerd Cook Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution had their hearts warmed by providing two complete Thanksgiving meals with all the trimmings, plus desserts and beverages, to both of the Lake County Haven Houses.
Even though the day was cold, and flurries were in the air, our hearts were warmed by providing two complete Thanksgiving meals with all the trimmings, plus desserts and beverages to both of the Lake County Haven Houses.