not among young black males. do these people, in your experience, know right from wrong? do they know right from wrong? i think they know right from wrong. they are angry. they are alienated and like other alienated youth they are acting out. so they don t mind, you know, if you punch somebody like that, you could kill them. you could literally kill they will. i don t pretend to know what s going on in the mind of a 14-year-old. wouldn t that be an important thing to know? i m not getting i understand the alienation, said that myself. i understand the anger that the families dissolve and they don t have a dad and i would be angry too if that were my situation. there are a lot of families whose families dissolved. who have made it and not done it. organizations that have done things like the 100 black men who opened schools for young men in those high crime areas. there are always organizations that try to help. he will with, because it was said earlier that where