millions of passengers a day through hundreds of airports. israel has one major airport. so the scaleability of what they do is not practical and they would tell n you, you can t dora what they do in the united states. it wouldn t make sense. we could, cause i ve talkedm to them. they do believe we could. well, i don t know who you talked with,ul but i could tell you cause i was in israel a few months ago. i was there just ad few months ago. no, you can t do what they they do long interviews of every passenger in line. we can t do that at john f. kennedy and o hare and some of the busiestha airports, but we n do other things. so what weo do is a number of activities designed to make sure that someone who is trying to sneak an explosive powder or gel onto an airplane which is what they ve been trying tol do, that s what the underwear bomber was trying to do, will not be w able to that s why we have to move the next generation of aviation security equipment. that s