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A leaked six-minute video shows scenes of a grisly Damascus massacre by Assad forces. Six minutes of horror from the war in Syria that were never intended to be made public. By Luisa von Richthofen and Khaled Salameh
BEIRUT (AP) For years, the Siyam family clung to hope they would one day be reunited with their son Wassim, who they believed was being held in a Syrian government prison after he went missing at a checkpoint nearly a decade ago.
The Siyam family believed for many years that their adult son was being held at a government prison after he went missing at a checkpoint nearly a decade ago
In depth: Annsar Shahhoud and Professor Uğur Ümit Üngör recently brought to light the massacre of 41 Syrian civilians in the Tadamon district of Damascus in April 2013. Here, they talk to Al-Araby Al-Jadeed about their research and its implications.