Definitely grown, people trying to get through security here and theres some of that additional security that we talked about. T. S. A. Saying that with the additional load of passengers, they are bringing in additional officers, 1400 extra t. S. A. Officers and additional k9 teams. But the dogs here doing that snisniffing that helps people gt through security faster. These people have been somewhat cleared. You know when they used to have to do the swipe test. Theyre not having to do that any. So, it looks like most people here are in a pretty good holiday mood. Number of people are most people we should say, most of them are going to see family and friends. We talked to a couple of people here at the airport and asked them where they were going and what theyre doing. Im going to go to bogota colombia south america. West palm beach florida. We go away every christmas with my brotherinlaw and his wife went relax on the beach. Nashville 1010ism whats in nashville. Its a beautiful countr