Walking into Boothbay Region Art Foundation during its annual Art in the Square the week of Dec. 11, I felt a slow smile cross my face . and then I saw June Rose making a sale and the smile turned into a grin. The first floor walls are awash with.
LISA KRISTOFF Tue, 05/11/2021 - 11:30am
The Midcoast Pottery Co-op members, left: Monica Tan, Annette Stormont and Clark Griffith. Absent: Mitchell Lichtenstein. LISA KRISTOFF/Boothbay Register
Work area with kilns. LISA KRISTOFF/Boothbay Register
One shelf of completed projects by Stormont and Tan. LISA KRISTOFF/Boothbay Register
Clark Griffith shows his current project, a pitcher with matching tiered serving dish. LISA KRISTOFF/Boothbay Register
Three of the four members of Midcoast Pottery Co-op at the glazing table. LISA KRISTOFF/Boothbay Register
Annette Stormont’s catch all dishes, for rings, paper clips, a day’s ration of Good ’n Plenty, or whatever.