We have a lot of relationships in our lives - family, friends, neighbors - but what about the plants and animals around us? Join us on March 30 at 1 p.m. CST for a live, online event featuring “Braiding Sweetgrass” author and plant ecologist Robin Wall Kimmerer. Kimmerer joins “To the Best of Our Knowledge” Host Anne Strainchamps, Executive Producer Steve Paulson, and Center
We have a lot of relationships in our lives - family, friends, neighbors - but what about the plants and animals around us? Join us on March 30 at 1 p.m. CST for a live, online event featuring “Braiding Sweetgrass” author and plant ecologist Robin Wall Kimmerer.
Playwright Nassim Soleimanpour is joined by a local guest performer who hasn t read the script, 7:30 pm on 3/8-11 and 2 & 7:30 pm, 3/12, Overture Center-Promenade Hall.
Events from March 10-13 also include “Calabasas Street” from Children s Theater of Madison; an album release from Anders Svanoe with his Latin Jazz Quintet; a virtual book talk by culture writer Jill Gutowitz; and more.