Chicago's Woman Made Gallery has chosen Anne Nordhaus-Bike's Ladybug, Big Spots watercolor painting for its juried holiday art show, the annual Small Works Members Show."It's such a pleasure to return to Woman Made for this year's show," Nordhaus-Bike said. "I'm excited to introduce visitors to Ladybug and to meet everyone at the opening reception."Show
One of my mixed media pieces will be on display at a new art show opening on Saturday, July 22, at Woman Made Gallery in Chicago.My Love Sign traffic sign artwork will join works by 42 other artists in the Absurdity: In Dada We Trust exhibition. Jurors Kelly P Hensen
After reviewing nearly 700 artworks, jurors for the prestigious Woman Made Gallery in Chicago selected artist Anne Nordhaus-Bike's Love Sign as one of only 43 pieces for its upcoming Absurdity: In Dada We Trust exhibition, opening Saturday, July 22."I'm thrilled to have my art chosen as part of this important, thought-provoking show at
Woman Made Gallery in Chicago has accepted artist Anne Nordhaus-Bike's Red Bamboo watercolor painting into its juried holiday art show, Small Works Members Show."I'm excited to be included in this annual show," Nordhaus-Bike said. "It's wonderful to be part of a beautiful array of artwork displayed just in time for holiday shopping
Celebrity food expert Chef Plum recently welcomed Astrologer Anne Nordhaus-Bike to join him and his chef pals, Jeff and Dan, on their weekly Plum Luv Foods show.Chefs Love Astrology!Did you know: celebrity Chef Plum and his chef pals LOVE astrology?"We had an amazing time," Astrologer Anne said. "These chefs are