Priyanka Chopra attended Bvlgari event in black and white with stellar diamond necklace. The global star made her in debut a chic new hairstyle - See pics from fashion event in Italy! - Priyanka Chopra Flaunts Short Hair in Stunning Off-Shoulder Dress, Netizens Say Cannes Walo, Kuch Seekho - See Pics From Fashion Event
Hot on the heels of the controversial 2024 erotic thriller "Miller's Girl" landing on Netflix - causing lead Martin Freeman to offer a fresh defense of the movie and the age gap between him and his 31-years-younger co-star, Jenna Ortega - comes another movie built upon a May-December romance.
When the heady dopamine rush settles down, love can meander and dither, exasperate and anchor. It recognises that people change or outgrow relationships. That the right people can meet at the wrong time