Fergal Kinney
, March 1st, 2021 09:31
On the 20th anniversary of their one and only studio album, Any Other City, Fergal Kinney speaks to Life Without Buildings about their short productive life and their incredibly long tail
In pop music, and the cottage industry set up to auto-mythologise it, there’s little premium higher than the small coterie of bands whose skimpy discographies are inverse to their XXL influence – Sex Pistols, Joy Division, Young Marble Giants, Slint, Television. You’ll notice that all of the above are indie or alternative acts. Unless from early death, you’ll find little of this mythologising in soul or in jazz. What can we learn from this? The early split being the logical end point of indie s cult of detachment?
Fronted by Sue Tompkins and her free-associative language, the band have become a touchstone for TikTok teens – and, on their 20th anniversary, still sound like no one else