A homeless shelter and coffee shop combo, The Door located at 155 First Ave. NE opened in March and is situated in a fully renovated historical home that was originally built in 1906.
Spirits were high Monday morning as around 50 members of the Red Lake community, tribal council and state politicians took part in the groundbreaking of the Endazhi-Nitaawiging charter school set to open in Red Lake in fall 2022.
Though the day was chilly, excitement filled the air as more than 100 Leech Lake Tribal Council and community members took part in a ribbon cutting ceremony for the newly acquired Leech Lake Market, formerly Teal’s Market, on Thursday afternoon.
The Endazhi-Nitaawiging, or "the place where it grows," charter school announced it will enroll 86 students in fall 2022 as part of the future school's first enrollment of students.