A total of 12 students from Sandwich High School were recognized in 13 categories in the New England chapter of the 2021 National Student Production Awards.
This year has been anything but typical for students, but seniors at Sandwich High School have pretty standard end-of-the-year events to look forward to, including an in-person prom and graduation ceremony on the football field.
Classes end for Sandwich seniors on Friday, May 21. That will be followed by final exams during the week of May 24.
The week will be capped on May 29 with an in-person prom, which will be held at Heritage Museums & Gardens. Tickets for the event are currently on sale through the end of this week.
Prom events are held to Massachusetts COVID-19 guidelines, which dictate that outdoor events are limited to 150 attendees and the ability to maintain six feet of distance. Dance floors are permissible, according to the guidelines, though masks have to be worn at all times while dancing.
The Sandwich High school class of 2021 officers and advisors have been working hard since the beginning of the year to make our senior year memorable after losing many events last year and this year due to COVID-19 restrictions. While there are some events still up in the air we are in the process of organizing several safe events to bring our class together amidst the separation we are facing as a grade.
However, due to the pandemic we also missed out on quite a few fundraising opportunities that could possibly hinder our ability to make some of these events happen the way we want them to. I know many of us seniors were looking forward to some of the traditions that will no longer be possible with the restrictions which is why as officers we are trying to become creative with what we can do. Any help that you could give us in terms of donations and support is greatly appreciated by both us and our class.