The recent heavy rainfall on December 18 has led to severe disruptions in normal life in Tamil Nadu, particularly in Thoothukudi, where many areas remain inundated. The continuous downpour has caused floods in various parts of the city, impeding the movement of vehicles and adversely impacting both life and property.
Anna University registeration for re-exam begins
Anna University registeration for re-exam begins
Anna University registration for re-exams has begun today.
UPDATED: May 24, 2021 17:14 IST
Anna University online registration process doe re-exam has begun on Monday, May 24, 2021. Students, who appeared for the November/ December 2020 exams that were conducted between February and April 2021, can register for the exams again and take the exams in June-July 2021.
Students can also register themselves for the re-exams if they did not register in November/December 2020. Students can register online till June 3 on the web portal of the Controller of Examinations.
“The students already registered for these examinations and paid the fees need not register again,” an official statement said.