honor a little bit of an opportunity to take this under advisement to very it. maybe look at a couple cases and make a decision. let me go back to ann marie mcevoy. you have seen in your years as a prosecutor and defense attorney, you probably made many of your directed verdict motions almost uniformly denied by the judge. sorry, there are triable issues of fact, her honor will likely say. we will leave it to the jury and i m not going to dismiss this jury and dismiss the charges, right? certainly a lot of the evidence the defense did a tremendous job pick apart the prosecution s witnesses in this particular case. but even with all of that, there is plenty there for the prosecution for the jury to hang that hat on based on what the witnesses said. you have got three neighbors that said trayvon martin is on the bottom.
0 picked it up from there. gregg: one of the things prosecutors had to consider is whether to call the father of trayvon martin. they may have decided that was too risky. at one point in time he said either that s not my son s voice or i can t tell if it s my son s voice. now he says yes that is my son s voice. it looks as though the prosecutors will stick with the mother of trayvon martin, then rest their case. the defense tried on cross-examination that the mother has been unduly influenced by politics. why? because she admits on cross examination that she first heard that 911 call when she was in the mayor s office. the mayor of sanford. in politics eventually ratcheted this up after prosecutors decided not to charge in the case. they sent it to a special prosecutor who did. take a listen to this. would you tell us the first time that you listened to that tape, when you listened to it? where were you? i was here in sanford. i believe it was the mayor s office. that was pursuan
ashamed for isolating his family. we received hundreds and hundreds of call, people living in fear. they re buys mace, some sitting with shot guns, putting locks on our doors because of sam mullett. ann marie mcevoy, and joey jackson, good to see you both. this is to the amic disfigment, humiliation, they must have been terrorized assuming it s true and they have confessions. absolutely. part of their religious beliefs is that a man, after he s married and woman, after she s married, they let their hair grow and do not cut it. another thing they did was they took photographs, and anybody that s visited amish country know they generally do not want to be photographed, yet they took photographs of them with their hair being cut. gregg: so it is classic hate crime under federal law. it s against their religious beliefs and in addition to that it was a very frightening experience for these people, they were held down by a couple of men
with more. peter, tell us what could happen at the end of the year. reporter: gregg, you know, it s the eve of the biggest shopping day of the year, a lot of americans are going out of their way to save money, but they might end occupy losing money if congress can t extend that payroll tax cut. because president obama says if they don t do that by the end of this year, it s going to cost the average american family a thousand bucks. end of text month, end of the year, this tax cut ends. and if we allow that to happen, if congress refuses to act, then middle class families are going to get hit with a tax increase at the worst possible timement. reporter: congress also has to extend unemployment insurance by the end of the year or else that s going to run out, too, and democrats say this is congress big chance to show constituents that they can do something. this is the way to begin fresh. we let everybody down with the supercommittee, let s begin fresh by giving every