(1) FACES IN THE NEWS. A long, detailed infographic has been posted here by Chengdu Association for Science and Technology (Chengdushi Kexue Jishu Xiehui), which Zimozi Natsuco says, “is always considered as the upper guidance institution of Chengdu Science Fiction Association”. It is translated: Understand Worldcon by 1 picture: All you want to know
New York, Paris and Tokyo may be on your travel bucket list, but there are plenty of cities that don't get enough credit and are well worth a visit. This year's.
New York, Paris and Tokyo may be on your travel bucket list, but there are plenty of cities that don't get enough credit and are well worth a visit. This year's.
New York, Paris and Tokyo may be on your travel bucket list, but there are plenty of cities that don't get enough credit and are well worth a visit. This year's.