ASHFIELD The First Congregational Church of Ashfield and St. John’s Episcopal Church are holding independent talks in November to explore Indigenous people’s history and culture.“The stories and rituals around Thanksgiving confront us this month,”.
ASHFIELD The First Congregational Church of Ashfield and St. John’s Episcopal Church are holding independent talks in November to explore Indigenous people’s history and culture. “The stories and rituals around Thanksgiving confront us this month,”.
18 projects receive funding from Shelburne Cultural Council
Li’l BeeDee & the Doo-Rites perform for the crowd during the 2018 Heath Fair. The Heath Agricultural Society received a grant from the Shelburne Cultural Council that is intended to support having music at the Heath Fair in 2021. Staff File Photo/Dan Little
Piti Theatre Co. Youth Troupe members perform in “To Bee or Not to Bee” during Piti’s 2018 “SYRUP: One Sweet Performing Arts Festival” at the Shelburne-Buckland Community Center. Piti Theatre Co. received a grant from the Shelburne Cultural Council to support a Youth Troupe video project. Staff File/Dan Little
Attendees of the 2018 Winter HooPla warm up by a fire at the Trolley Museum rail yard in Shelburne Falls. The Art Garden received a grant from the Shelburne Cultural Council that is intended to support a future Winter Hoopla. Staff File Photo/Dan Little