congresswoman, it s where the battle is, it s where you get promoted, it s where you get to move up. where are the bulk of the four-star generals coming out of? where do the petraeuses come from? the mcchrystals? these type of people. of course, they come out of the battle. women make up 14% of the military, but only 7% of the generals and admirals. an army general ann dunnwitty is the first and only four-star. on the other hand, the first female officer starts submarine school this fall. and more than 90% of its jobs are open to women. their service is steeped in tradition and continues today in greater numbers and with greater positive influence than any time in our nation s history. right now the army is in the middle of a review to see who se is eligible for all. those results will be done by the end of the year, and they could shed a completely new light on this issue. chris lawrence, cnn, the