Thank you very much for being a boston voter. Just so you know, in case youre , the secretary is not only an american, he is a true bostonian and a good neighbor. As secretary of state he took every opportunity to showcase our city with foreign dignitaries. Know him better than most. Not only in washington dc but in washington street. Not only in the middle east but in east boston. Thank you for that. We are growing hightech economy. Today we look back and see how visionary that was. We see this on the south boston waterfront, something that was not only the case. As an activist once said, senator kerry is like is to the environment is what ted williams is to the red sox. I think that says it all. He is still swinging for the fences on that issue. I want to thank you. I was proud to join secretary in beijing in china two years ago for the International Summit the for some of that ever happened with china in the us was in los angeles, second summit was in beijing and a third summit was