Granting women this right to vote, hold property, and elected office. 1869, our wyoming Territorial Legislature dictated this, and it was signed by governor campbell, granting women this act. So remarkable that we have a copy of this. They have it at the capitol, but we have this copy that is so extraordinary. You can see the writing that said what was happening in the west. Decemberf this act, 10th, 1869, giving women full rights alongside men, we had the first woman voter in the world, we had the first woman bailiff, martha boys adkinson, the first woman on a jury, and we had all of wyomings women able to be in the legislature. Hobart morris who was the first woman justice of the peace. We had the first woman governor in the world. All of these were the cattle keep fallout cattle cave oflout from the dissent 1869. We have a few more mentions of our women who were important, and here we have a great thing where her friends were so worried. She is in the west caught in the suffrage act