by republican gubernatorial candidate lee zeldin. he confrontee confhed the curret governor , kathy hochul, on the stage. violent crime wave, leavinger hochul to wonder, you know, mysteriously, wh y do you care so much about this issue of crime? governor , here s a hint. people are dying now.s st both tooter dixon and leeead zeldin will join us straight. had also georgia senated candidate herschel walker will be here. but we begin tonight in the great state of pennsylvania. the commonwealthe mmonweal, whe, he will join us in a momente mot with reaction to one ofry the most well, i guess you can. say, unusual debates in tonig american history.p is now, tonight, it s official. the cover up is over democrats, the media mob, the fetterman campaigncampai, they were all ln to all o if us .ly john fetterman is not mentally ,physically, cognitively fit to serve. he should no st be running for the senate. and in a word, what we saw last night was painful. i ll give hil hard to watch
but if last night is any indication, it is past time forf fetterman, frankly, to drop out. of the race for his own well being. here with more fox news contributors, dr. marc siegel ad is with us . n and dr. nicole saphiree is with. us . dr. siegel, to start with you, o what did you see last night stae on that stage? lwell, i saw john fetterman, sean, say that we should use the debate to judge his mental acuity because he was bee responding to us saying, i wantd to see your records and i ve an on record from the beginning for years now saying show the records, let me see his echocardiogram. he has a balloon down hard. he has atrial fibrillation. thaw heen had a stroke because a cloy went to his brain.ut they had to it out.o se but there s clearly been damageo done. i want to se e the mri ofhe the brain. we don t see any that. sed on but he h said at the debate, judge me based on how i do.s co wellnc, i was concerned, very concerned that he wasn t doing too well. g aswhen they asked abou
his ability to communicate is impaired. he had difficulty with everyit single one of his responses. i don t o know if it was only in communicating. it may also have been in hisd cf thought process because he seemed confused. i watched the debat i watct night. it was hard t fro watch,ankl frankly. let us be clear,e clear , i donh any ill will on john fetterman.t i want him t himo make a full recovery. i also, frankly, reallyi el l bad for him. he s been used by everybody inne his own party and all the people around him in orderf to pick up a senate seat . the democratic party is takingol advantage of a person that is obviously severely sick and seriously disabled, a low ad functioning individual. shn recoveryou. o he should be in rehab.pennsylvan and all the while, they were not telling the people ofonight pennsylvania the truth about his condition. so tonight pa vote,, pennsylvant beters, they still don t know the extent of veterans health problems because his campaigndi is st