Kasaragod, Jan 8: The incident at Kasaragod on Saturday wherein a food-borne illness was believed to have claimed the life of a 19-year-old girl, Anju Sreeparvathy, assumed a new dimension with the police confirming that several findings in the post-mortem report of the forensic surgeon were inconsistent with the symptoms of classical food poisoning.
The officer said police came to know about the incident during routine work and have not yet received any complaints regarding the same. "We are investigating the incident," he said. He also said that the health officials have arrived and were inspecting the eatery from where the food for the event was ordered. Kerala Food Poisoning: Few Students, Parents Fall Ill After Eating Food at School Event in Keezhvaipur.
In yet another incident, a few parents and students suffered from food poisoning after eating meals served at a school event at Kerala s Keezhvaipur. aaa
Anju Sreeparvathy from Perumbala in Kerala had consumed Kuzhimanthi, a biryani dish that she ordered from a local hotel. She died in a suspected case of food poisoning. A case has been registered after her parents filed the complaint, said the police.