Tamil Nadu has already imposed a ban on liquid nitrogen. It was argued in Tamil Nadu that the use of liquid nitrogen in food items at parties, weddings, and other occasions aimed to attract children’s attention. It can cause skin irritation upon contact and may lead to irritation or even damage to the cornea if small drops enter the eye.
UBC’s third annual delegation of students, faculty and staff will attend the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, running from Nov. 30 to Dec. 12. These delegates, and other UBC experts, are available to comment on the conference and other climate-related topics. COP28 delegation Experts…
The topic of mental health and well-being has been front and center for lawyers and law students in recent years after numerous studies have revealed high rates of substance use,.
Anjali Desai is director of coaching with Foley & Lardner LLP and is a member of the Legal Talent & Development Department. As a certified coach, Anjali coaches attorneys at all levels on a variety of topics.