It's a big boost for Antigonish Community Transit. The federal and provincial governments and the transit service have announced joint funding of more than $1.22 million dollars. The Chair of Antigonish Community Transit's Board of Directors, Anita Stewart says the funding will be used for several projects, including expanding their fleet.…
Blanco, best known as the poet for Barack Obama's second inauguration, teamed up with fellow Cuban American writer Vanessa Garcia on 'Sweet Goats and Blueberry Senoritas,' a play commissioned by Portland Stage, where it premieres this month.
Just two actors play two dozen ridiculous roles in this searingly funny satire that has become a seasonal favorite across the U.S. since its debut in 1989.
Environmental health specialists from the Fayette County and Kanawha-Charleston health departments hand delivered and mailed letters on Oct. 24 to Paint Creek-area residents whose water wells were tested for a