More juice for less, and healthier Dear ER: The Clean Power Alliance (CPA) will serve Hermosa well, contrary to the disinformation published here last week…
by Judy Shane “Our open water swim club members – all in our 60s, 70s, and 80s – struck up conversations with some young vets we met working out at Torrance…
Redondo Union High School E-bike rider hit by car A 15-year-old Redondo Union High School student riding an E-bike Friday, April 29, collided with a Tesla at…
The No. 1 Ladies South Bay Open Water Swim Club suited up at Torrance Beach in their Triathlon Lab wetsuits and dayglo swim caps. (From left) Jane Affonso, Anita Caplan, Terry Scott, and Judy Shane. Photos by Beth Barrett
The No. 1 Ladies South Bay Open Water Swim Club on a recent morning when the water was in the high 50s and the air was colder. Photo by Beth Barrett
by Judy Shane
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, surf permitting, the No. 1 Ladies’ South Bay Open Water Swim Club swims a mile in the ocean, off of Torrance Beach. Two of the club’s are over 60. The other two are over 75.