Speaking about collaborating with Kajal and Nisha for her latest bridal collection 'La Naina', Tiya said, "La Naina, as a collection, celebrates the modern Indian woman in all her glory. And Kajal Aggarwal and Nisha Aggarwal together are a powerhouse of beauty and talent."
Actress Kajal Aggarwal celebrated her birthday with the first look and teasers of her two upcoming films. The teaser of Satyabhama and her first-look poster from Bhagavanth Kesari were unveiled.
Kajal Aggarwal has been sharing a lot on her social media platform, especially when it comes to her son Neil. From posting about his antics to sharing details of her pre and post motherhood journey, Kajal has been updating her fans about each milestone her little one has achieved. As her son turned one, notRead More