The Los Angeles Police Department in California, rescued a puppy that had been thrown from a truck during a high-speed chase. The animal could soon be put up for adoption.
LAAS GM Barnette’s Plan for West Valley Shelter ‘Handled by Vendors’ Faces Legal Questions Details
ANIMAL WATCH-Los Angeles Animal Services General Manager Brenda Barnette is determined that she will not open the West Valley Animal Shelter for the intake of strays and lost pets this shelter has one of the highest intake rates in the City.
Instead, Barnette is insisting that the City Council allow this vital animal facility to be turned over the private rescuers so they can adopt out animals from other areas of the City.
The following (and there have been prior and will be more articles on this) is primarily a profile of the question of whether Brenda Barnette and her management team should be in charge of a $42,922.34 budget for 2020-21 and whether they are competent to have responsibility for six vital Animal Services shelters to serve the needs of taxpayers and their animals in this city, and particularly in the Valley.