it wasn t easy to kill him in the sense that like you see it on the movies, how guys cavalierly kill people. wasn t like that for me. i remember planning it out. he was a senior member of the snm. but in the 80s, around the time of the prison riot, he was also a member of the nuestro familia. you can t do that. you can t be from two cliques. you just can t. word was put out to kill the guy. i happened to be in the jail with him at that time when the word was put out. there was consistency with the corrections officer, so we had the same officer coming in four or five days a week. then he d have two days off. he would then come back on. i studied him and his mannerisms and his behavior. once i arrived at the point which i felt comfortable, i made my move. it was after they opened up all the cell doors for evening chow. while everybody was eating, i took animal histories into his room. i sat down next to him on his