A lot of pictures from Rhea Kapoor and Karan Boolani s wedding ceremony and the reception party are being circulated on the internet. And now the bride s sister and actress Sonam Kapoor has finally shared a photo alongside a heartwarming note which she wrote for Rhea in the caption.
Anil Kapoor’s daughter Rhea Kapoor married her longtime boyfriend Karan Boolani on August 14. The actor shared a happy family photo and wrote that his magnum opus is now complete.
Sonam Kapoor misses soulmate Rhea on her birthday, pens a sweet note
Sonam Kapoor misses soulmate Rhea on her birthday, pens a sweet note
Sonam Kapoor, who is currently in London, is missing her sister Rhea Kapoor on her birthday. The actress took to Instagram to share a bunch of pictures with Rhea and penned a heartfelt birthday note for her.
Sonam Kapoor wished Rhea Kapoor happy birthday on Instagram.
Rhea Kapoor is celebrating her 34th birthday today. Sonam Kapoor, who is thousands of miles away from her sister on this special occasion, took to Instagram to share a lovely birthday wish for her. Sonam is currently in London with her husband Anand Ahuja, unable to travel home to India due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. However, she made Rhea’s day special by sharing a bunch of adorable pictures with her. She wrote, “to always being partners and sisters.”