An enthusiastic City Council unanimously approved a resolution Nov. 20 to recognize the efforts of OneCranston Health Equity Zone at CCAP for their work on the annual “Community Builders …
By ED KDONIAN The City Council unanimously passed a resolution in support of Israel and against acts of terror at their scheduled monthly meeting On October 12. “This resolution this …
Mayor Kenneth Hopkins plans to replace the 22,000-square-foot city pool with an 8,000-square-foot pool. Critics warn he could pay for his decision at the polls.
Mayor Ken Hopkins has released an official statement that he will be moving ahead with the construction of an 8,000 square foot pool to replace the current 22,000 square foot Budlong Pool after years …
As another summer ends with Budlong Pool still closed, Mayor Ken Hopkins held a public forum on Wednesday Sept. 6 for people of the city and members of City Council to voice opinions, concerns …