no, absolutely not. we do not have any sort of a manufacturer point on the front end because we are prohibited from having any sort of a gun registry and this allows us to keep it so only crime guns are entered into the system. chris: atf has set up a mobile forensic lab to take ballistic database into the field. how effective is niban as a crime fighting tool? we are trying to identify that very small population of shooters who are actually pulling the trigger and causing our communities considerable harm. chris: not surprisingly the city of chicago is the number one user of the niban system adding 1,000 casings to the system each month. now this program, be sure to watch fox news channel tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. eastern for the premier of the fox news specialists cohost eric sits down with president trump for the first show. and that s it for today, have a
the point of manufacturer? no, absolutely not. we do not have any sort of a manufacturer point on the front end because we are prohibited from having any sort of a gun registry and this allows us to keep it so only crime guns are entered into the system. chris: atf has set up a mobile forensic lab to take ballistic database into the field. how effective is niban as a crime fighting tool? we are trying to identify that very small population of shooters who are actually pulling the trigger and causing our communities considerable harm. chris: not surprisingly the city of chicago is the number one user of the niban system adding 1,000 casings to the system each month. now this program, be sure to watch fox news channel tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. eastern for the premier of the fox news specialists cohost eric sits down with president trump for the first show. and that s it for today, have a