Global commodity prices have fallen and traders have also built good stocks of sugar, dates, edible oil, pulses, chickpeas and onions for Ramadan market, but there is no good news for local consumers.
Since the countdown to graduation from least developed country (LDC) began in 2021, there have been calls for Bangladesh to get ready for tough days when trade preferences will go and businesses have to be in global competition without the handholds of cash benefits and tariff protections. In the three years since then, export sector players have been pointing out what they
Unit costs remain significantly lower when sourcing from Bangladesh, which is why creating nearshoring options is not a direct threat to Bangladesh’s apparel manufacturers when it comes to prices
Of the total 29 projects, 5 are in the public sector while 17 are in the private sector as independent power producer (IPP) projects, the annual report said. The ownership structure of the remaining 7 is not clear, with possibly some hybrid combinations.