enter, basic level e-one, e-2. as you become an officer, it requires more. if he didn t disclose and they didn t check, this is how we may have ended up here. there is also question about the behavior. 2004, he got into the service even though he had a fairly significant criminal act in his background, shooting out tierz of a vehicle. he had an odd explanation at the time. anger blackout? right. those were the officers words. obviously he described it in a way where he didn t remember shooting out the tires because he was so angry. he avoided the police for a while. you had a number of instances. i thieve the question that s obvious is, how do you adjust for that in your military vetting process, when you re giving someone clearance? let s get past the honorable discharge because that s a little confusing. but you have all these arrests surrounding it. how does that not factor in? if there was no conviction depending on the level, they ll do a check. if he wasn t convicted o