Former Los Angeles Angels employee Eric Kay was sentenced Tuesday for providing drugs to pitcher Tyler Skaggs that led to his 2019 overdose death in Texas.
Former Los Angeles Angels employee Eric Kay was sentenced Tuesday for providing drugs to pitcher Tyler Skaggs that led to his 2019 overdose death in Texas.
the angels, they re distraught, this is something, it s the second time in ten years, essentially, that an angels player has died in a season. granted the first time was a different circumstance, but this one is so sudden and tragic in the middle of, right in the middle of the season, too. very tough for them. well, you brought up nick adenhart, it s been ten years since the death of adenhart, i remember donnie moore, who took his own life. is there a sense there s a cloud hanging over this team? do they still feel the loss of adenhart and does that make it that much more difficult with tyler skaggs passing? hard to say if they believe that they have a cloud over them. definitely seems like the franchise is star crossed in that sense. last year, even, for instance, mike trout s brother-in-law passed away and he was also part of the angels organization at one point.