loom starting as a youngster. i remember being allowed to pour the soda. i was so excited, because that was my first real job. did you ever come here on a date? i did when i was younger. my first date was here. his name was ryan courtingly. i had a huge crush on him. vincent continues to infuse his enthusiasm into running four businesses, even at the age of 89. then in january of 2013, he suffers a devastating stroke. he thought he was going to run the theater forever. he wouldn t just say renee, can you run things, he would say how am i going to keep this place open. his dying words were angela, don t let the theater go. on july 8, 2013, vincent slips away. but the question remains, who s going to honor vincent s dying wish? all eyes look to renee. i m 23, just out of college.
so where was the very first modern movie theater opened? it was in pittsburgh. the nickelodeon opened there on june 19, 1905. in 2007, it looks as if all the work 83-year-old vincent has invested over a 60-year career is about to be lost to crushing debt. then his daughter angela intervenes. she buys dad s buildings but leaves him full ownership of his businesses, including the berwick theater. i pitched in to help financially, because he absolutely would not hear of closing any of his businesses. knowing he has a reprieve, vincent starts showing grand daughter renee how to run the berwick alongside him. renee already has a good association with the family heir