The intellectual wasteland we see on our college campuses is ultimately the fault of us, adults. We came up with dumb ideas like participation trophies and now want to eliminate the SAT/ACT and not recognize valedictorians and salutatorians. We are telling young people in America that excellence is bad and reward them for being a Know Nothing. My Dad had a simple challenge for me, “Find what the standard is, and exceed it.” We are setting the bar so very low for this young generation. Appeasing and acquiescing to their whims ain't a recipe for their success.
The intellectual wasteland we see on our college campuses is ultimately the fault of us, adults. We came up with dumb ideas like participation trophies and now want to eliminate the SAT/ACT and not recognize valedictorians and salutatorians. We are telling young people in America that excellence is bad and reward them for being a Know Nothing. My Dad had a simple challenge for me, “Find what the standard is, and exceed it.” We are setting the bar so very low for this young generation. Appeasing and acquiescing to their whims ain't a recipe for their success.