It should be crystal clear to all well-thinking Jamaicans by now that the Mark Golding-led Opposition People's National Party (PNP) has no new and/or better ideas/solutions than the governing Andr.
Opposition Leader Mark Golding has signalled that a future People’s National Party (PNP) administration would seek to engender participation at the local level to give Jamaicans a greater say on issues impacting them in keeping with the roots and.
It has been said that timing is the art of politics. Was Opposition Leader Mark Golding's decision to reshuffle his shadow Cabinet a few weeks before the local government elections a wise and well.
In the government of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), there is the ministerial portfolio of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade. Looking at the new shadow cabinet of the People’s National Party (PNP), it led me to reflect on the role of the foreign.
THE Opposition People's National Party (PNP) seems headed for a fresh round of internal wrangling after its president, Mark Golding, signalled late last week that he was about to shuffle the party.