This is two hours and ten minutes. Thank you for coming. My name is seth jones, the harold brown chair and director of trance National Threats project for the center of international studies. We have a fantastic two sets of panels on what is an important subject and i think increasingly important subject and part of the motivation i think from Suzanne Spaulding and i in looking at this and i have to give you u credit, suzanne, for being the brain child behind this, was to look at some of the recent attacks including el paso and the synagogue attacks and note that there has been a dialogue debate within the u. S. About how to respond to it. The degree of threat and how serious it is then how to respond to it. So what we like to do is move in the following sense. Were going to begin with a discussion about the evolution of the threat. And how domestic terrorism, i know some of the terminology for these groups is the racially motivated violent groups. I cannot promise the panelists are go