Notorious former Hells Angel Dayne Brajkovich has made another eye-catching appearance in court sporting a T-shirt that appeared to taunt authorities about his link to the Perth Mint scandal.
The assassin who killed an ex-boss of the Rebels motorcycle gang has requested to be released from jail early for his agreement to testify against the alleged mastermind behind the hit.
Bikie David Pye has appeared in court to deny that he paid a hitman $150,000 to shoot dead Rebels rival Nick Martin at a Perth drag racing track from a distance of 300 metres.
Dozens of bikies from Western Australia have banded together to discuss forming a political party as they prepare to fight their state s anti-gang laws in the high court.
Rebels boss Nick Martin, 51, was gunned down at a drag race at Kwinana Motorplex south of Perth on December 12, 2020 from 300m away as he sat with his wife and stepdaughter.