andé@■qñi that s he made misrena financial institution. that story broke the same week we heard about the fact that there was a grand jury impanelled. he sc facing potential charges, over a million dollars. that s not five months at rikers. that s very serious time. the question right now, we don cooperate?pa&h(lc% he s cooperated so far, you wonder how far that goes oncez( he s facing real prison time and if he decides i mlp going to q &h(lc% become real, he could cooperate in that case and it could reviv% it.
case the one bragg is building? well, again, we don t know the details. i ma5■ not sure whether it woule a tighter case and it wasé@■ mo money. ie1 do think, you know,w3 there some úäm■ about building that case and there are some difficulties. certainly it would be much more straightforward ifñrxd there ta implications here. also charged with the falsification of business records to bump it from a q misdemeanor to a felony.ñi why do people create false business records? so i mean it would befá a straightñr forward, more clear case for theçó jury and it wouldn t runñi into the complications of whether it snb state law or federale1q law. i want to talk about james ! investigation because ñiñiit s massive. just talk if you will, the hush