Malden Musings: Bobby Sager s Doors
Peter Levine
Last time we heard chatter about Bobby Sager it was regarding the film project The Philanthropist. A TV show (somewhat) based on Bobby s life. Bobby is one of Malden s biggest success stories. He embodies everything good that Malden has ever had to offer. He is filthy rich but ya wouldn t know it. That s cuz he s from Malden! I got this from one of the many web pages I pulled up on Bobby, On any given day you might find Sager living in a tent in Karachi, sharing a toilet with 40 monks in the Himalayas, working alongside President Kagame in Rwanda, or discussing science education with the Dalai Lama in India. He is most comfortable in some of the most dangerous places on earth trying to make a difference by hands-on helping people. Through his foundation, Sager spends time in villages and cities in developing countries using the good old fashioned hands-on perspective and eyeball to eyeball connection to conceive, develop and