Lafayette city council moves forward with Guillory investigation entailing a list of 18 questions about drainage projects that have landed LCG in court.
common step from the fed. but he did say in the next meeting in july, that they are probably going to be debating between either a move this size or one just smaller, a half a percentage point, and fed officials, they projected sharply higher interest rates by the end of the year. they say that they think that interest rates are going to be about twice as high at the end of the year as they are today. now, this is a tricky situation for the fed because if they don t do enough, which arguably has been the case to this point, that inflation can get hotter and hotter and go out of goal. if they do too much, they could end up slowing the economy right into a recession. yep, that s the risk. matt egan at the fed. thanks so much. turning to our world lead. two american fighters are now feared to be prisoners of war. possibly in the hands of the russians. the two volunteer fighters from alabama went missing during a battle just north of kharkiv last week. they have not been heard from sin