Tecno Pop 5 Pro was launched in India on Wednesday. The smartphone comes with 3GB of RAM and 32GB of built-in storage, a 6.52-inch HD+ display, 8-megapixel dual rear cameras, and a 6,000mAh battery. Tecno Pop 5 Pro runs on Android 11 Go Edition, with the company’s HiOS skin running on top.
Google says the new Privacy Dashboard is coming to Android 12 (Go edition). The lightweight operating system (OS) is set to make its way to affordable entry-level smartphones in 2022.
World's leading smartphone-maker Samsung on Monday (December 6) launched a budget handset Galaxy A03 Core in India. The new Samsung phone features a 6.5-inch HD+ TFT screen with Infinity-V design language. It sports smooth curves with a textured back, which promises a comfortable grip for the fingers to hold on to the phone. Inside, it comes with a 1.6GHz Unisoc SC9863A