The days when anti-war agitation by radicals like Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, or, for that matter, Lenin resonated with millions of workers tired of being cannon fodder for their rulers are clearly long gone, and so is the period of turmoil around 1968, when rebellious GIs subverted Americas military adventure in Vietnam. A world order marked by imperial tensions ready to spill over into full-out war, however, is still very much with us, arguably more so than in recent decades.
Tech billionaire Elon Musk said Monday the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, and Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine, raise the potential for World War III. “We need to figure out peace in Ukraine, and I think we need to restore normal relations with Russia,” Musk said in a talk on his social media…
NV publishes excerpts from the memoirs of a corporal of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen (USS), who had lived in Russian captivity for more than a year, and then, together with his fellow prisoners, got his captors drunk and escaped.