$40 by inputting eBidDoc #7816262
on the website’s Project Search
page. Please contact QuestCDN.
questcdn.com for assistance in free
membership registration, download-
ject information. Project bidding do-
cuments are also available at the Is-
suing Office – City of Minot En-
gineering Department 1025 31st St
SE and are available for purchase
for $75. Potential bidders may con-
tact the Assistant City Engineer at
701-857-4100 with any questions.
separate envelope containing the
percent of the full amount of the bid
and must be in the form of a bidder’s
bond. A bidder’s bond must be exe-
cuted by the bidder as principal and
Minot, ND 58701
bidder’s bond in a sum equal to 5%
of the full amount of the bid execut-
ed by the bidder as principal and by
a surety, conditioned that if the
principal’s bid is accepted and a
contract is awarded to the principal,
the principal, within ten (10) days
after the notice of the award, shall
execute a contract in accordance
with the terms of the bid and the bid
bond, and any conditions of the City
of Tioga, as required by law. A
countersignature of a bid bond is not
required. If the City of Tioga elects
to award a contract to the lowest
Name Change of Jacqueline Diaz.
tion in the above-entitled matter will
be filed with the Clerk of District
Court for Ward County, North Dako-
ta, requesting an Order changing the
name of Jacqueline Diaz (current
full, legal name) to Jacqueline
Kunze (requested full, legal name).
Pursuant to N.D.C.C. 32-28-02, thir-
ty days previous notice of the in-
tended application must be given in
the official newspaper printed in this
county. You are hereby notified that
thirty days after publication, peti-
tioner intends to file a petition re-
questing entry of the Court’s Order
dants including all persons unk-
nown, claiming any estate or interest
in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the
real estate described in the com-
pear and defend against the Com-
plaint in this action, which has been
filed with the Clerk of Court and is
herewith served upon you, by serv-
ing upon the undersigned a copy of
an Answer or other proper response
within twenty-one (21) days after the
service of this Summons upon you,
exclusive of the day of service.
3. If you fail to do so, Judgment by
default will be taken against you for
the relief demanded in the Com-