i feel like we lost. boy the joys and terror of service is preserved in the trove. colbert wants to pass this on to his own children. we were going with my kids to see where ed had gone. they retraced uncle eddie s steps. we were walking down an alley and a baker says, tuck? he a i said [ speaking in foreign language ] and i points down the alleyway. and we went down there and i managed to stand in the spot, as indicated in the records, where he landed and said i ve got to call my mom and say, you never knew where eddie landed but i m standing there right now. reporter: then they went to the beaches with their guy.
band of brothers. this was fox and it went everywhere easy went. reporter: colbert s siblings have dozens of tuck s letters, one sent days before he dropped behind enemy lines. mom dearest, it s quite a job. here i am on a hillside, each valley smiles back up to me. its face wrinkled with clustered houses. this is england in the spring of 44. he didn t know if that was going to be the last letter he wrote. right. right. and he s looking eastward over the channel at the hedge rose of france that he knows he has to drop into. eight hours before d-day, he parachuted in. he was one of the first on
western europe was free. one of those heroes was a young lieutenant who talks about falling into nazi arms. who bet to talk about this than this young man s nephew, stephen colbert. facing unimaginable odds, americans and allied troops stormed normandy, june 6th, 1944. among the paratroopers behind enemy lines that night, first lieutenant andrew tuck iii, or uncle eddie. tuck s nephew is stephen colbert, the comedian who actively thanks troops every chance he gets. lieutenant tuck belonged to the 101st airborne, made famous by the book and hbo mini series
eye. reporter: a similar trip was in band of brothers photographed with lieutenant edward tuck. they were just kids, though everybody in photos from world war ii looks like they are 40. it s true. reporter: lieutenant tuck survived normandy and was there for the defeat of the nazis and wanted to fight in the pacific. but before he could, tuck was killed at the age of 23 in a jeep accident in austria. so the performer and paratrooper never met but his letters and stories were shared. and she gave it to all of us with such love of her brother and it s like we knew him. i know i didn t, but these letters and my mother s love and