Andrew, i start with you. This is a bit interesting. This is a play out of reagans handbook. Importantly as you heard mark cuban say, he is keeping the deal going here. He is keeping it alive and he is working, believe it or not with the democrats. What do you say about that . I think it was a smart thing for him to do. First of all the republicans in congress have not really worked with him as they should. They really have failed to produce. So i think he wants to get things done. He needs to take care of people in texas. He needs to take care of people in florida. I think he struck a deal with chuck and pelosi. I think it was the right thing for him to do. Trish who thought it could be done, right, ford . I know. Everybody is like, what . Trish by the way, there is a lot of people that arent too happy about it. I would like for you to weigh, ford. Representative marcia blackburn, we spoke to her yesterday. She was pretty annoyed. She felt the harvey stuff should be kept totally separ
Christmas. Meantime they get 8 billion of aid going to texas. That is why were hearing right now of vote could be very imminent in the United States senate. It is expected to pass, with a lot of shaked nerves and a lot of tickedoff people. The market nonplussed by all the developments as stuart points out. The read that this is president firing a warning shot to republicans, if you dont clear the decks to get this tax reform thing done i will work with anyone and anyone who can. What is the business fallout from this . Who better to ask another billionaire entrepreneur, not president , rumored to be considering the job, Dallas Mavericks owner mark cuban. Joins us on the phone. Thank you for joining us. What do you make of this arrangement the president just had with democrats . Pure classic donald trump. I thought it was really smart. The thing about being a seas american like President Trump is, you want to keep deals alive. The biggest fear a salesperson has a deal would die. Working