Chief Judge Stephen Stobbs of the Third Judicial Circuit and Chief Judge Andrew Gleeson of the Twentieth Judicial Circuit announced that the Madison, Bond and St. Clair County courthouses will be closed today due to the icy conditions.
St. Clair County Circuit Judge Heinz Rudolf joined Illinois Supreme Court Justice David Overstreet in presenting to the Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents of Schools on behalf of the Illinois Judges Association.
Despite growing pains, Madison and St. Clair counties report success in enacting sweeping, unfunded changes to the court system mandated under the state’s new SAFE-T Act, including the nation’s first no-cash bond system.
CASEYVILLE - Former Caseyville village trustee Kerry Davis and wife Carroll accused village attorney Doug Stewart of defamation at a meeting of trustees on Jan. 3 for linking them to an alleged criminal conspiracy, which they say is not true.