the gay marriage alliance. first, stealing elections and then don t like new voter, they re not committed and blaming, like elton john. you are trying to knock the guys around a little bit. you re not? they insisted the ad they put in is not gay bashing but part of the republican party s education efforts and some have taken umbrage of what s being done by the party like this senate candidate, andrew dodge, a tea party activist challenges olympia snow telling them that the republican chairman that needs to step down. that s the response from the republican right. the response from voters, put same day voter registration back. and they called this race, maine
so then i backed up and said, okay, the one model that makes sense to me here is this. one of the things that challengers always benefit from is very low information. people don t know much and so they take just a few cues and then they form pretty actual durable opinions based on the initial cues. and herman cain is doing a beautiful art project here. he is performing the kind of strong republican who no matter what you say against me, i m always going to stick to my story. sarah palin did this when the pregnancy of her unmarried daughter came out and she said, you will not use this against me in typical ways. george w. bush used this when the tide turned against the war in iraq and said nonetheless, i ll send in a surge. this is the way the republicans have demonstrated we have backbone, we re strong, you can t beat us with all of the things you normally would use to discredit a candidate. on the substance of the woman who you spoke with today, on the substance of the idea the sexu
the gay mailing alliance. first, stealing elections and then don t like new voter, they re not committed and blaming, like elton john. you are trying to knock the guys around a little bit. you re not? they insisted the ad they put in is not gay bashing but part of the republican party s education efforts and some have taken umbrage of what s being done by the party like this senate candidate, andrew dodge, a tea party activist challenges olympia snow telling them that the republican exam championing that needs to step down. that s the response from the republican right. the response from voters, put
the tea party movement is not a top-down operation. it s a ground up call to a, that is forcing both parties to change the way that they re doing business. and that s beautiful. this party that we call the tea party is the future of politics. and i am proud to get to be here today. but what do actual members of the tea party have to say about this and some other issues surrounding the party? andrew dodge, coordinator for the tea party patriots in maine joins me now. thanks very much for being with us. i m wondering what you make of this ad and of sarah palin in general. sarah palin has made an effort quite often to try to paint herself as the leader of the tea party movement. she s good at riling up the grass roots, but as we like to say in the tea party patriots, we are all tea party leaders. anybody who goes out there and puts our line across to people who aren t members is a leader. we don t need anybody self-appointing themselves on high. obviously, she was vice