Any naysayers be damned. The truth of the matter, he was 40 million over budget, almost a year late, and for the most part no one needs to write it except for the fact that they routed a bus line so that you have to write it now. They come to certain standards. Ill leave thati leave that open in the book. The most important thing is to have the facts. Deep in constant contrast. You can put two things next each other easily and see how they are related and would seem to be impossibly able to coincide in the same place but this is the season that the new Orleans Saints were going to the mounting a struggle. So we have been told that the city had come back though it had reached its turning. When the states won the super bowl in 2010 just the day after landrieu was elected and then you have these publications coming into focus, and even in the hundred days i wrote about there were things going on. Is it overly symbolic to say this kind of problems are related to the city . No more overly s
American Legion Post 152 members presented Angelina House Executive Director Belinda Ford and staff with an American flag, flagpole and stand Thursday, Dec. 14. The gift was an expression of