nation. we are not afraid to say so. [cheers and applause] usa! usa! usa! we have a chance to get ourselves on the right track. we have a chance to vote for someone who will protect our freedoms. he will lead to protect our religious freedom. he will protect our second amendment rights. ladies and gentlemen, right here in virginia, we have a big choice to make. america has a big choice to make. america will make the right choice. they saw last night who the right man for the job is. that man is standing back here. presidente the unite of the united states. please welcome the next president of united states, mitt romney. [cheers and applause] [playing born free ] that is one heck of a virginia welcome. thank you, virginia. [cheers and applause] you, paul. does the music just bring up your day? [applause] then he for the endorsement of the we appreciate the endorsement of the nra. [applause] last night was an important night for the country. [cheers and applause] t